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February, 2014 | Community Letter to Larimer County Commissioners

As every property owner in Crystal Lakes knows, North County Road 73C is our only way into and out of our community.  The road is well-maintained (spring potholes aside) to the south of the community, but deteriorates as it passes into the national forest northeast of us.  Concern about this situation, and the threat it would pose in the case of a wildland fire, has prompted Crystal Lakes Fire Protection District to author a letter to the Larimer County Commissioners, asking them to take steps to improve the condition of 73C northeast of Crystal Lakes, so it can be used as an evacuation route.  CLFPD convinced businesses and organizations in Crystal Lakes and Red Feather Lakes to join the fire district in signing this letter in a show of community-wide support.  This letter was sent on 2/25, and may be viewed by choosing the link below.  The district ranger of Canyon Lakes Ranger District, through which this section of 73C passes, is also contacting the commissioners to express his support of this effort to improve and widen the road, and so can you. Please show your support and add your voice to those urging the Larimer County Commissioners to improve our ability to evacuate Crystal Lakes in the event of a wildland fire by contacting the County Commissioners (contact information available here:    Thank you.

County Commissioners 73C letter sent 2-25-14.pdf